Don't let yourself be mastered by your inner laziness (in German, this is called your inner pig dog). Your inner pig dog love to play. It will invite you to procrastinate. Suddenly a writing task that needs to be completed is left undone. One way to break this cycle is the 4R Method:
- Routine: Writing is like brushing your teeth. Write every day. Every letter counts.
- Ritual: Create conditions that are conducive to writing, and, if possible, keep them the same. What surroundings help you write? A quiet library? A cafe with a latte? Under a tree outside? Find a system that works for you and stick to it.
- Rhythm: Make sure you have consistent writing times. This applies to the daily rhythm: some people are creative early in the morning, others at night. This also applies to the structure of a writing session.
- Try the Pomodoro Technique (25 minutes of writing time, 5 minutes to stretch). After three hours, take a 30 minute break.
- The Writing Center offers a weekly Pomodoro Writing Session. All are welcome to come and work on your current project.
- Reward: When you have successfully completed a writing session, treat yourself to something nice and enjoy the break. This could be a walk, a phone call, etc.
Like when starting a new sport, you will notice a training effect: it is very difficult at first, but once you have got through this initial phase, you will have become a stronger writer.
Your inner laziness can actually help you become more self-aware as a writer.
What form does your inner laziness take? Use this worksheet ("Schweinehund") to personalize your inner pig dog and reflect how you can overcome it.