Plagiarism Detection Software
According to Isenburg et al. (2019) "Plagiarism detection software assesses the similarity of content in papers with published literature and other types of information. The software compares the author's text against abstracts and citations in publishers including: Elsevier, Lippincott, Ovid, Sage, Springer, and Wiley Blackwell, among many others); and varied databases such as EBSCOHost, Gale InfoTrac, and ProQuest. In addition, plagiarism detection software searches the Internet for similar content. With plagiarism detection software, all types of documents can be checked: manuscripts, written assignments for courses, grants, theses and dissertations, other scholarly projects, and other types of reports."
Citation: von Isenburg, M., Oermann, M. H., & Howard, V. (2019). Plagiarism detection software and its appropriate use. Nurse Author & Editor, 29(1), 1-10.
Does Leuphana use plagiarism detection software?
According to a English translation of the Leuphana Gazette
"In Art. 7, para. 9 shall become para. 10 and shall be replaced by the following: "1 For the purpose of checking plagiarism, all written work pursuant to para. 9, sentence 1, must also be submitted in electronic form that meets the requirements of this para., via a data carrier, via a university information system centrally provided by Leuphana or electronically via e-mail using the university e-mail address. 2 The examiner decides on the form of submission. 3 In order to check the independence of the examination performance, the work can be checked with pseudonymised data of the author by means of suitable plagiarism detection software without suspicion for possibly unidentified adopted text passages or other sources. 4 The authors must ensure that the electronic version of the written work pursuant to sentence 1 does not contain any information that could enable direct attribution of the electronic version of the work to their person. 5 For the execution of plagiarism checks via software, a centrally provided examination software or a centrally provided web service is to be used by Leuphana. 6 The data provided shall be deleted from the software or service used without delay, but at the latest after three months."
"For the purpose of plagiarism control, all written work in accordance with para. 9, sentence 1 must also be submitted in electronic form that meets the requirements of this para. via a data carrier, via a university Translation of Gazette 50/23 – 16th June 2023 22 Please note: Only the German version of this regulations shall be valid exclusively. information system provided centrally by Leuphana or electronically via e-mail using the university e-mail address. 2The examiner decides on the form of submission. 3 In order to check the independence of the examination performance, the work can be checked with pseudonymised data of the author by means of suitable plagiarism detection software without suspicion for possibly unidentified adopted text passages or other sources. 4 The authors must ensure that the electronic version of the written work pursuant to sentence 1 does not contain any information that could enable direct attribution of the electronic version of the work to their person. 5 For the execution of plagiarism checks via software, a centrally provided examination software or a centrally provided web service is to be used by Leuphana. 6 The data provided will be deleted from the software or service used immediately, but after three months at the latest.
Can you use plagiarism detection software to check your work prior to submission?
Yes, you are encouraged to use plagiarism detection software to check that you have not inadvertently plagiarized another author's work during your writing process. There are both free and costly plagiarism detectors online. Naturally, the free versions have more limited access while the subscription serves have more features and allow you to submit longer texts.
Free plagiarism detection software options
- Plagiarism Detector is a free software that allows you to submit up to 1000 words a week. However, it is unable to detect in-text references to authors before a quote, which leads to unnaturally high rates of plagiarism detection. There is also a Pro version of this software that comes with a 20$/month student cost an allows you to check up to 72,000 words a month.
Plagiarism Detection Software with a Fee