What you will find on this page. 


Effectively Reading and Understanding Scientific Literature 

Reading – what for?

In contrast to fiction or autobiographical writing, academic writing always draws on the ideas of others. Texts such as an end of term research paper require you to read the works of other authors. An overview of the state of research is achieved by reading texts written by others. In this way, you build up knowledge about what is available in the field in which you want to base your work.

Scientific reading is always associated with building up knowledge. That is why reading academic texts is always real work. The more we already know about the topic being discussed, the easier it is to understand the text. However, if we know very little or nothing at all about the topic, we cannot fall back on our existing knowledge when reading, but have to - laboriously - build new bridges and try to somehow connect what we have read with our head. However, we cannot omit this connection either. If you read without linking what you have read to your existing knowledge in any way, you will very quickly forget what you have read. It is only by linking it to existing knowledge or creating new connections to it that our brain is able to store the information so that we can access it again at a later date. (This process can be supported by a well-structured and effective literature management system).

Searching for Scientific Sources

Important terms in advance

German term

English term




A book is often referred to as a monograph. It is written by one or more authors who are responsible for the entire content.

A book covers a topic comprehensively. As the number of pages is not strictly limited, more information can be provided for readers than in a journal article.

Barnet, Sylvan / Bedau, Hugo / O’Hara, John (2020): From critical thinking to argument. A portable guide. 6th edition. Boston, New York: Bedford/St. Martin’s.

Kruse, Otto (2010): Lesen und Schreiben. Der richtige Umgang mit Texten im Studium [Studieren, aber richtig]. Stuttgart: UTB.

ZeitschriftJournalA magazine is published at regular intervals throughout the year. Often with two or more issues. Journals are the most common means for furthering "academic discourse." They often, but not always, have the term "journal" in their name.

Journal for…

Written Communication

Zeitschrift für …

SammelbandAnthology (Book with chapters by different authors)

An anthology is a collection of articles/essays or chapters that are compiled and professionally framed by one or more people, the editors.

Anthologies usually have the following histories:

  • Publishers see a thematic gap in existing publications and want to close it 
  • An anthology is the result of an exchange between colleagues (e.g. conference contributions), although this is not necessarily obvious to the reader.

Ehlich, Konrad / Steets, Angelika (Hrsg.) (2003): Wissenschaftlich schreiben – lehren und lernen. Berlin, New York: de Gruyter.

Flower, Linda S. / Stein, Victoria / Ackermann, John / Kantz, Margret J. / Mccormick, Kathleen / Peck, Wayne C. (Eds.) (1990): Reading-to-write. Exploring a cognitive and social process. [Social and cognitive studies in writing and literacy]. New York: Oxford University Press.

ZeitschriftenartikelJournal ArticleA journal article focuses on a specific question in a larger research context. Journal articles are limited in scope. For this reason, they usually assume a great deal of specialist knowledge, e.g. an existing research discourse is often established by paraphrasing and naming important aspects with references to studies/sources. 

Bowen, Neil / Van Waes, Luuk (2020): Exploring Revisions in Academic Text. Closing the Gap Between Process and Product Approaches in Digital Writing. In: Written Communication 37 (3), 322–364. <https://doi.org/10.1177/0740088320916508>.

Artikel/Aufsatz/Kapitel in einem SammelbandBook Chapter

A more narrowly defined topic or research question is discussed in a few pages.

Depending on whether it is a research-oriented or introductory volume, different levels of specialist knowledge are required.

Handbooks are therefore particularly suitable for gaining an overview of a subject area.

Akbulut, Muhammed / Ebner, Christopher / Schmölzer-Eibinger, Sabine (2021): Wissenschaftliche Textkompetenz von Schülerinnen und Schülern messen. Konstruktion und Evaluation eines holistisch-analytischen Ratingverfahrens. In: Heine, Carmen / Knorr, Dagmar (Hrsg.): Schreibwissenschaft methodisch [Forum Angewandte Linguistik – F.A.L.; 67]. Berlin u. a.: Lang, 165–182.

Jacobs, Geert / Perrin, Daniel (2014): Production modes. Writing as materializing and stimulating thoughts. In: Jakobs, Eva-Maria / Perrin, Daniel (Hrsg.): Handbook of Writing and Text Production [Handbooks of Applied Linguistics; 10]. Berlin u. a.: de Gruyter, 181–208.

Jakobs, Eva-Maria (1998): Die Hohe Kunst des Zitierens. In: Kruse, Otto (Hrsg.): Handbuch Studieren. Von der Einschreibung bis zum Examen [campus concret; 32]. Frankfurt, New York: Campus, 206–223.

Macarthur, Charles (2006): Assistive Technology for Writing. Tools for Struggling Writers. In: Van Waes, Luuk / Leijten, Mariëlle / Neuwirth, Christine M. (Eds.): Writing and Digital Media [Studies in Writing]. Amsterdam u. a.: Elsevier, 11–20.

Elektronischer ArtikelElectronic Article

The category "electronic article" can include various things:

  • Article in an electronic journal
  • Article from a printed journal in PDF form
  • ...

Flinz, Carolina (2021): Korpora in DaF und DaZ. Theorie und Praxis. In: ZIF. Zeitschrift für Interkulturellen Fremdsprachenunterricht 26 (1), 1–43. <https://tujournals.ulb.tu-darmstadt.de/index.php/zif/article/view/1112/1108>, (01.04.2021).

Limburg, Anika / Bohle-Jurok, Ulrike / Buck, Isabella / Grieshammer, Ella / Gröpler, Johanna / Knorr, Dagmar / Lira Lorca, Alina / Mundorf, Margret / Schindler, Kirsten / Wilder, Nicolaus (2023): Zehn Thesen zur Zukunft des Schreibens in der Wissenschaft [Diskussionspapier; 23]. Berlin: Hochschulforum Digitalisierung. <https://hochschulforumdigitalisierung.de/de/news/zukunft-wissenschaftlichen-schreibens>, (23.06.2023).

GesetzLegal Rule/Regulation

Special citation conventions apply to legal texts, interpretations of laws, statutes, etc., so it may be necessary to create a special list of legal provisions.

Please discuss with your lecturers which form to choose for this. An initial (German) guide can be found in Keiler/Bezemek (2014): leg cit3. Guide to legal citation. Vienna et al: Springer

Why is it important to know different publication forms?

The form of publication influences the possibility of finding a title via searches in library catalogs or databases. For example, the university library's online catalog lists the titles of books, edited volumes and journals. However, articles in an anthology or journal cannot be found there. For this you have to use LUX or literature databases, for example. On the MIZ website you will find a detailed list of access points and further tips on literature research.

Note: The links refer to access to the Leuphana information systems. However, the principles also apply to other university libraries.

Secondly, the type of publication determines which information must be included in the bibliography. However, the appearance of the references in bibliographies and the form in which a source is referred to in the text depends on the citation convention, not on the reference itself.

Sections - which sections contain what information?

Scientific texts are (usually) well structured and follow a systematic structure. This structure can be used to find your way around the text quickly and effectively. 


The title often already describes the topic being dealt with. This is why the titles of academic literature are often somewhat brittle or long. The topic is often specified in the subtitles. However, this is not always the case.

Abstract / Summary

An abstract should summarize the most important findings of the article. An abstract can therefore be used as a basis for deciding whether the article is "worth" reading. Unfortunately, not all abstracts are well written, so it can also prove productive to take a closer look at articles whose abstract may not be one hundred percent relevant to your own topic.

To decide whether a book or an collection of essays should be consulted, you can look at the description on the back cover.


An introduction familiarizes the reader with the topic, establishing a link to the research discourse, pointing out the "research gap" that the article is addressing, and giving a basic outline of the methods. 


Scientific writing does not take place in a vacuum - it is linked to a professional discussion. This is why the current state of research is outlined in a scientific text. The form of publication and text (such as an essay vs a journal article) plays a major role in determining how detailed the presentation of the theory is. For example, an book about 'the history of ballet' will have a more detailed theory section than would a pamphlet about ballet. 


Honest scientific work requires that readers must be able to understand how you arrived at your findings or results. Therefore, you must describe the method or procedure. How detailed the description is or can be depends on the form of publication, but also on the intensity of the text. For example, you may go into more detail in your masters thesis compared to a journal article that is only 8000 words long. 

If you want to know how a method works and is applied, you are well advised to obtain an introduction to the method or visit the method wiki. Specialist articles, on the other hand, describe or outline the application of the method. 

Results and Discussion 

The results of a study must be presented and linked to theory or the existing discourse. How exactly this is done is very much a technical matter - different academic disciplines present the findings in various ways. Look at other journal articles from your discipline to see examples of the conventions common to your study subject.

Summary, Conclusion, and Reflection

Central findings and results are summarized at the end of a text, conclusions are drawn and - if possible - suggestions for further research are given. 

Tables of Contents / Directories

Tables of Contents provide a quick overview. The more extensive a text is, the more helpful it is to use specific directories for reading. The table of contents maps the text structure. In digital versions of your text, you should provide hyperlinks in your table of contents so that, by clicking on a heading, your reader is brought directly to that section in your text.


A bibliography is used in most academic writing to list works that an author consults in their research. This application gives the author credibility, lets their readers know where the author found the information and gives credit to other authors who have previously written various works.

List of Contributors 

A contributor list is a section in a book that acknowledges and provides details about the various authors or collaborators who have contributed to the content, particularly in edited collections, anthologies, or academic works. Typically found near the beginning or end of the book, it includes: 

  • Names of Contributors: Each author or contributor is listed by name.

  • Brief Biographical Information: Alongside each name, there is often a short biography that highlights relevant details such as academic qualifications, professional background, areas of expertise, and notable achievements.

  • Contribution Information: It may specify what each author contributed, such as a chapter, essay, or specific research.

  • Professional Affiliations: Authors' affiliations with institutions, organizations, or universities are often included, particularly in academic or scholarly works.

  • Optional Contact Information: Sometimes, contact details like email addresses or websites are provided, especially in scholarly works.

Suggestions for effective reading

Before you start reading, take a moment to think about why you are reading - what is your goal? What are you trying to achieve with your reading session? What would a successful reading section look like for you? Having a goal allows you to be selective - choose which texts, and what type of texts, you read based on your goal. You can also choose to read only select sections for a text. For example, you if you are trying to learn more about the methods used in Cultural Studies research, you can read the 'abstract,' 'methods,' and 'findings' section of several papers to see how other researchers have chosen to answer their questions. 

The Seven Habits of Highly Effective Readers

For effective reading, you should 

  1. Read actively - you can't just 'read' a paper, you must DO something with the information, such as creating a mind-map, take notes on a separate piece of paper, connect this paper to others you have read, write a summary, ask yourself questions about what you're reading. 
  2. Scanning - Good for searching for particular information or to see if a passage is relevant. Use a pencil and run it down the page to keep your eyes focusing on the search for key words.
  3. Skim reading - Good to quickly gain an overview for a text. Read summaries and headings. Look at the tables and diagrams. Read the first sentences of each paragraph. 
  4. Rapid reading - This is when you want to do in-depth reading of a paper. Make sure you are not mouthing the words as it will slow you down. Actively try to move your eyes quickly along the page, but don't forget to pay attention to what you are reading. 
  5. Minimize distractions - the human brain cannot truly multitask. So minimize distractions. Turn off your music. Leave your phone in another room. Turn off all notifications (or better yet, read print). 

Create meaningful notes

Taking notes while you read will help you better remember and understand the information and will also help you organize your thoughts when preparing for a writing project. 

  • thinking about what you want to get out of your research before you start
  • looking for answers to any questions you may have about the topic
  • looking for connections within the topic you're studying, and to other topics on your course
  • writing notes mostly in your own words - your own explanation of what something says or means
  • recording direct quotes only when it's important to have the exact words that someone else has used (i.e. when how they say something is as significant as what they say) 

You'll know how good your notes are when you try to use them! Here are some suggestions to make your notes easier to read, easier to understand and easier to find when you need them.

  • Take notes by hand! The human brain better remembers notes written by hand than typed. Trying using a notebook instead of a Word document. 
  • Make your notes brief and be selective
  • Keep them well-spaced so you can see individual points and add more details later if necessary
  • Show the relationships between the main points (link with a line along which you write how they relate to each other, for instance)
  • Use your own words to summarise - imagine someone has asked you "so what did X say about this?" and write down your reply
  • Illustrations, examples and diagrams can help to put ideas in a practical context 
  • Make them memorable using: colour, pattern, highlighting and underlining
  • Read through to make sure they're clear - will you still understand them when you come to revise?
  • File with care! - use a logical system so you can find them when you need them, but keep it simple or you won't use it.

Linear notes

Linear notes are what most people are used to doing. They are written down a page with headings and subheadings. They should have plenty of room for detail.

Here are some suggestions for making linear notes more useful.

  • Use loads of HEADINGS for main ideas and concepts
  • Use subheadings for points within those ideas
  • Stick to one point per line
  • Underline key words
  • You can use numbering to keep yourself organised
  • Use abbreviations - and don't worry about using full sentences
  • Leave plenty of SPACE - for adding detail and for easy reading

Store texts and notes

Create a logical, personalized system where you store all of your readings and notes for each of your classes. If you take notes in a notebook, have a separate notebook for each class. If you store lecture material on a computer, create folder ans subfolders for each of your classes.

Your organizational structure might look something like this...

  • Semester Two Folder
    • Biology Folder
      • Lecture Slides
        • Notes taken during the lectures
      • Readings
        • Notes on the readings
      • Final Presentation
    • Chemistry Folder
      • Lecture Slides
      • Readings
      • Notes
      • Research Paper
    • Environmental Planning Folder
      • Lecture Slides
      • Readings
      • Notes

Remember, don't throw your notes away at the end of the semester! They can be useful even years later! 

Review what you have already read

When preparing for a writing project, return to your notes to re-familiarize yourself with the topic and the themes you have covered. This will create a stronger foundation of knowledge as you start your writing process. Review topics that you don't remember or don't understand fully. Find the answer to unanswered questions you might have. 

Attend seminars

When you attend seminars you are exposed to new ideas. By listening to other people's opinions, you increase your knowledge and understanding about a subject and you may also develop new ideas of your own. Seminars allow students to have a rich discussion about the course material. It is a space for students to debate ideas and ask more complicated questions than in the lecture room. Seminars may also be a source of inspiration for your next writing piece. 

Talk to your fellow students

Discussions with other students allows you to develop ideas and articulate your understanding of the course material. Discussions can also motivate you to look further into a topic or to complete the course work more quickly. By listening to other we also strengthen our conversation skills, improve logical processing in our brains, and learn to be more empathetic. 

Secondary Literature

The secondary literature in the sciences summarizes and synthesizes the primary literature. It is usually broader and less current than primary literature. Since most information sources in the secondary literature contain extensive bibliographies, they can be useful for finding more information on a topic. Examples of secondary literature are Literature Review Articles or Books. 

Personal Summary

In your own words, write a summary of what you have read. Focus on what you remember and find most interesting. Try connecting it to other things you have read or topics that have come up during your lectures. This will help the information sink deeper into your memory and when you go back to look over your notes, the personal connection will enable you to recall the information faster. 

Further Resources

This section is work-in-progress.

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