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Will Radford, Schreibzentrum / Writing Center

19:00 Uhr, Schulungsraum


Learn to use MS Word in ways  that will save you time and make you a MS Word magician! Discover useful features like styles, find & replace, automatic table of contents, and citation software integration that will come in handy for any writing project! We will work through common challenges and solutions in this workshop. (you will not need your laptop, but you may bring it if you would like.)

Looking for more? This workshop is a condensed version of the workshops offered on 9.2.24 (Effektiv Arbeiten mit Word - Deutsch) and 16.2.24 (Working effectivly with Microsoft Word - English). If you would like to try these features out yourself, sign up for the German or English session via myStudy (course catalog>additional offers without CP> Schreibzentrum/Writing Center>Workshops) and bring your computer alongWhat are rebuses and how are they related to the writing process? Think creatively to solve a few of these puzzles in this session about clear communication at different stages of the writing process. We will also reflect on our writing projects with the goal of making our writing less puzzling to our readers.