Reading is part of academic writing. It is the basis. People read for different purposes. Depending on the purpose, different reading requirements can arise. The first question is therefore for what purpose you are reading:

When you read a new technical text, you usually read in a way that generates knowledge. You would then have to agree with at least one of the following statements...

I am reading this text in order to...

  • familiarize myself with my topic
  • to inform myself about the current state of scientific research
  • to familiarize myself with a method
  • to confirm my own ideas
  • Find evidence for my own argument

It is a different situation when you read because you come across questions while writing your paper. You read product-oriented, in order to

  • to make sure that I remember the content correctly
  • to quote something
  • to paraphrase something

Vgl. Funktionen des Lesens nach Kruse (2010: 21–22) – Visualisierung

Reading Strategies

Here you will find a few reading strategies


The 4R method is particularly suitable for developing new content.

  • Phase 1: Research
    • Phase 1b: Question 
  • Phase 2: Read
  • Phase 3: Recite
  • Phase 4: Review

Bird's Eye View

Die Vogelperspektive soll Sie dazu anregen, sich von der linearen Darstellungsform eines Textes zu lösen und stattdessen die wichtigsten Aspekte zu identifizieren und in eigenen Worten festzuhalten. Eine Vorlage hierzu kann unter heruntergeladen werden. Die Methode wird in einem Video erklärt: Das Material ist vom Schreibzentrum der Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main entwickelt worden.


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